Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Blue Ticket: Empty Seat

In the honor of 
the second worst holiday, 
let's talk about growing up. 
I hate Thanksgiving almost an much as I hate Christmas. 
(but that's a story I'll tell when it's snowing) 
The only decent holidays are Halloween and The 4th of July and any holiday honoring people who deserve praise. 
Any previously 'great' holidays have lost their true meanings so I'll stick to the holidays we don't miss more than one day of school for.
I apologize for the pessimistic attitude, but Thanksgiving is the worst. 
The holiday dedicated to eating when that's not even what it's suppose to be about. 
Not to mention it's followed by the travesty that Black Friday is. 
Don't get me wrong, I love eating,
It's the same old food with the same old relatives every year and I'm getting really sick of being asked what I'm doing with my life and where I'm going to college and how's swimming going and if they can see some of my writing? 

Friends, Family, A roof over my head...the basics
I mean....I really do care....I really am grateful, thankful for all that I have. 
I just wish my family, mainly my mother weren't so keen on metaphorically murdering me. 

-Childlike Nature
-Progression of mother-daughter relationship 
My mother wrote the obituaries, but I have to write eulogies for all that I know. 
Bless the deseased.
HEART: 17 years. You will be missed, it was good while it lasted, I can still feel the echo of your influence. 
CHILDLIKE NATURE: It's unfortunate you've passed, I don't think you're really gone. Don't tell my mother, but I think you escaped her grasp and are playing hide n' go seek. On my 18th I'll come looking for you. 
PATIENCE: I think I took you for granted. I don't know what's been holding me back since you died and will I met someone like you? 
MOTHER-DAUGHTER RELATIONSHIP: Please tell me you're not actually dead, please tell me you ran away with childlike nature because I don't want to live my life without you. I mean, you've only been around for 3 months, you've gone too soon. 

My mothers explaination for the slaughter of my favorite aspects of my personality is "You are 17 and being really immature" 
She's a murderer and I'm the one who's being put on trial. 
Maybe my "immaturity" IS my personality and she tells me I'm not being myself, but frankly if you're going to try to live through me at least get to know me first. 
My mother says I need to grow up and act my age yet at Thanksgiving dinner there isn't even a EMPTY SEAT for me at the the "adults table" 
I am thankful that there is an EMPTY SEAT for me at the "kiddie table".

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