Sunday, November 29, 2015

If I were a flower, I would be a violet

"I am the violet.
I am the violet. I wear my heart on my sleeve, 
Heart shaped scalloped leaves." 

When Paris was first mentioned I thought I'd love to go to Paris, but I'm stuck in the garden. 
A Utah garden,
Surrounded by bees,
And other "superior" flowers. 

I bloomed on my blog and in my journal,
My very own garden.
I bloomed: 
For all the other slowly seemingly less superior flowers,
For the bees, 
For the florists, 
A2 Creative Writing has got me thinking about how residing in the garden isn't too bad, 
After all Paris has gardens too.  

Thinking about how I could set my roots down in Cimetière du père Lachaise
Or how I would flourish in the summer sun at Parc des Buttes Chaumont
Or how Jardin du Luxwmbourg, "Among many parks and gardens of Paris, is certainly one of the favorite green places of the Parisians, students, and tourists." 
At least that's what the travel site told me....

I'd like to pretend I'm a Parisian, but I'm not sure if I've even been to Paris yet 
And if I ever get to Paris I wonder if the people I assume tourists assume that of me. 
Please hear my plea, I am trying to be a Parisian and I will get there one day, 
But for now I am a frail flower, I am the violet, I am violet luster. 

"While the bees may ignore me, 
The florists will always appreciate my frailty."

(Be a florist, not a tourist. Truly fall in love with Paris)

Through the past months I've learned, 
You aren't bees,
You aren't tourists, 
You are all the florists and fantastic flowers, 
Learning what it means to be a Parisian. 

I am violet luster. I am Hannah Staker. 

Welcome to my garden. 


  1. The writing, design, music, everything on your blog is 10/10. Great to meet you Hannah.

  2. I love you so much Hannah Staker. I love your sonic snapchats, I love your clothes, I love hanging out with you, and I love your writing. I remember reading your poetry on the swim bus all the way to st. George last year; I've always thought you were an amazing writer. I'm your biggest fan (:

  3. your blog will forever be in my personal top five. it's nice to officially meet you

  4. "For MYSELF."
    Amen! Thank you for being yourself and writing for you

  5. All the authentic Parisian spots. The gardens. The bees.

    But mostly this:

    "Be a florist, not a tourist." unnnhhhhhh
